Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thrift Store find up cycle- Trunk

I found this awesome trunk at a local thrift store for a pretty descent price. After painting the whole thing, I printed out travel stickers to places we have been, and mod podged them to the top. Then I mod podged road maps on the entire inside of the trunk (that part was kind of a pain). I'm really happy with the final result, and may even add more stickers to the sides as we visit more places :)

Before Photos:

After Photos:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Trash to Treasure upcycle- Antique school desks

2 old, antique looking, wooded school desks that I got off the side of the road, that someone had left out for trash. Both needed a little tightening up, easily done by re-screwing it together and putting some gorilla glue in the screw holes. Then after some paint and upholstering seat cushions, both of my kids got amazing one of a kind desks. 

Before (both desks were identical) 

After of my sons desk, The green top is chalkboard paint. 

After of my sons desk, The green top is chalkboard paint. 

After of my daughters desk

After of my daughters desk, the black on the inside is chalkboard paint

Trash to treasure upcylcle- Antique Chair

I got this old antique looking chair off the side of the road that someone had left out for trash, It needed one leg repaired, but other than that was still pretty sturdy. So after some paint, new cushion, reupholstering, and of course glitter, I think it came out pretty fabulous. 

Before Photo

After Photo

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Family T-shirt blanket

Made this blanket out of t-shirts from all of the members of my family, and used scrap fleece from other blankets I have made for the back. 

Before photo of t-shirts

Front of blanket

Back of blanket

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Painted mugs

Not a sewing project, and not something I sell. But I thought I'd share some teacher gifts that I made with my kids this weekend (well 3 teachers, 2 OTs and 2 speech therapists)

New updates today! Added some page tabs at the top of the blog to easily view the items that I have made.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Welcome to my blog! I will be posting updates, new items, and photos here. So stay tuned to see whats new!